Pandemic survival it's why you're alive
Auteur :
History is full of gruesome pandemics, and surviving those pandemics has shaped our society and way of life. Every person today is alive because of an ancestor who survived -- and surviving our current and future pandemics, like SARS, AIDS, and bird flu will determine our future. This book presents in-depth information about past and current illnesses; the evolution of medicine and its pioneers; cures and treatments; strange rituals and superstitions; and what we're doing to prevent future pandemics. Grades 4-7.
Langue originale :
Editeur :
Toronto, Ontario : Tundra Books, 2013
Genre :
Support :
Daisy audio
Durée :
Adaptation :
Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (ABC)
Tranche d'âge :
9 à 12 ans
Extrait sonore