The poacher's daughter : a western story
Auteur :
In 1885, young Rose Edwards is widowed by Montana vigilantes who hang her husband for an alleged theft, then burn her Yellowstone Valley cabin to the ground. Penniless and illiterate, yet fiercely independent, Rose begins a two-year odyssey to revisit the land of her childhood, a land she once traveled with her father, an itinerant robe trader among the Assiniboines and Blackfeet. But the old ways of the hunter and trapper are disappearing and Rose finds herself a reluctant hero in an ageless battle, the face of an indigenous population, both native and white, as she stubbornly pushes back against encroaching European investors.
Langue originale :
Editeur :
Waterville, Maine : Five Star, 2014
Genre :
Support :
Daisy audio
Durée :
Adaptation :
Institut national canadien pour les aveugles (ABC)
Tranche d'âge :
Extrait sonore