
Page 49 sur 808, 10 résultat(s) sur cette page, pour un total de 8078 livre(s).
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It's been two months since private investigator Cal Weaver's teenage son, Scott, died in a drug-related accident. Cal is mired in grief he can't move past, and that has clouded his judgment. Because he made a grave mistake driving home on a very rainy night. A drenched young girl tapped on his window as he sat at a stoplight and asked for a ride. And even though he knew a forty-something man picking up a teenage hitchhiker is a fool, he let her in the car; she was the same age as Scott and maybe she could help him find the dealer who sold his son the drugs that killed him. But after a brief stop at a roadside diner, Cal senses that something's not right with the girl or the situation. But it's too late. He's already involved.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(12 hrs., 8 min.)
Auteur : 

A 42 ans, le milliardaire Miles Cookson est atteint de la maladie de Huntington. Il se met en quête de sa descendance pour la prévenir car la maladie est héréditaire. Il retrouve neuf enfants nés de dons de sperme. Il fait la connaissance de sa fille Chloé, 22 ans, et part avec elle à la rencontre des autres héritiers mais tous ont mystérieusement disparu.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
Auteur : 

A Manhattan, une succession d'accidents mortels mettant en cause la mécanique des ascenseurs sème la panique. Il s'agit de sabotages qui pourraient être liés à la découverte d'un cadavre aux doigts mutilés. A l'approche de l'inauguration de la plus grande tour résidentielle, les policiers Lois Delgado et Jerry Bourque, et la journaliste Barbara Matheson mènent l'enquête.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
Auteur : 

Zack Walker a enfin trouvé un job. Lui, l'angoissé chronique, l'obsédé de la sécurité, a renoncé à ses activités d'homme au foyer et d'écrivain de science-fiction pour entrer à la rédaction du journal local. Soulagement général ! Cependant, depuis quelque temps, la ville est en proie à une vague de délinquance sans précédent qui inquiète la population. Chacun soupçonne Barbie Bullock, un redoutable gangster connu pour ses méthodes expéditives - et sa collection de poupées. Zack versus Barbie? Le combat s'annonce inégal.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
10 h 32 mn
Auteur : 

Newswriter Zack Walker learns that his father is missing - and that a bear-mauled corpse was found near his family's fishing camp. His dad soon turns up alive, but Zack remains at the scene, puzzling over the death, a bumbling but familiar-looking police chief, and hostile neighbours.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(12 hrs., 38 min.)
Auteur : 

Un cadavre non identifiable est retrouvé dans les bois près de Crystal Lake, le coin tranquille où le père de Zack Walker s'est retiré. Le journaliste fouille les abords du lac pour découvrir ce qui est arrivé. Il se met en danger et s'attire des ennuis. Suite de "Mauvaise garcons". 2014.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
11 h 00 mn
Auteur : 

Thomas Kilbride is a map-obsessed schizophrenic who rarely leaves his bedroom, but who travels the world using a computer program. One day he sees something in a street view of downtown New York City: an image in a window that looks like a woman being murdered. His brother Ray has been listening to Thomas’ increasingly paranoid theories for years, so when Thomas tells Ray what he has seen, Ray humours him, but soon realizes he and his brother have stumbled onto a deadly conspiracy.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(12 hrs., 52 min.)
Auteur : 

Newspaper writer Zack Walker's former neighbour, dominatrix Trixie Snelling, asks him for assistance. Another paper plans to run a story on her, which will allow dangerous people from her past to find her. Zack risks his job trying to help - and finds himself held hostage.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(11 hrs., 39 min.)
Auteur : 

It's been two months since private investigator Cal Weaver's teenage son, Scott, died in a drug-related accident. Cal is mired in grief he can't move past, and that has clouded his judgment. Because he made a grave mistake driving home on a very rainy night. A drenched young girl tapped on his window as he sat at a stoplight and asked for a ride. And even though he knew a forty-something man picking up a teenage hitchhiker is a fool, he let her in the car; she was the same age as Scott and maybe she could help him find the dealer who sold his son the drugs that killed him. But after a brief stop at a roadside diner, Cal senses that something's not right with the girl or the situation. But it's too late. He's already involved.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(12 hrs., 8 min.)
Auteur : 

Keisha Ceylon watches the news for stories of missing people, waits a few days, and goes to see the families, claiming to be a psychic who will tell them her vision of where their missing loved ones are - for a price. Keisha's latest mark is Wendell Garfield, whose wife disappeared a week ago, but unluckily for Keisha, her vision turns out to be alarmingly close to the truth. As she wades deeper into the mystery, Keisha inadvertently finds herself caught in a web of suspicion and violence that’s much more complicated than she first thought - and which may end up with her own disappearance.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(5 hrs., 56 min.)


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