Jeunesse - Fictions

Page 18 sur 659, 10 résultat(s) sur cette page, pour un total de 6590 livre(s).

Paige, an ordinary twenty-something who runs her own website design company, also happens to a witch. She is the leader of the American Coven and the guardian of Savannah, the teenage daughter of a black witch. When a telekinetic half-demon shows up to fight for the custody of Savannah, she brings supernatural help that Paige is not ready for. Descriptions of sex and violence.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(13 hrs., 2 min.)

Elena Michaels is a model woman for the 21st century: self-assured, keenly intelligent, fighting fit; and like every modern woman, she has her secrets. She was turned into a werewolf against her will by her lover ten years ago. Some days it feels like a gift, most days it feels like a curse. 2001.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(15 hrs., 6 min.)

Young renegade witch Paige Winterbourne pitches a group of uptight business-suited witches to join her alternative coven, which she claims will re-empower the new generation. It's a task made nearly impossible by Paige's romantic association with sorcerer/lawyer Lucas Cortez; witches and sorcerers are bitter enemies. Lucas aims to bring down the mafia-like cabal to which he's heir apparent, but this goal and Paige's are put on hold when someone starts murdering the children of rival cabal leaders. Some descriptions of violence. Descriptions of sex. Some strong language.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(16 hrs.)

Ty Winslow, an obsessed tycoon with a sick curiosity, is well on his way to amassing a private collection of supernaturals such as vampires, demons, shamans, and witches, and plans to harness their powers for himself, even if it means killing them all. Elena Michaels, the world's only female werewolf, has also been kidnapped and imprisoned deep underground by Winslow. Separated from her Pack and unable to tell her friends from her enemies, Elena realizes that choosing the right allies is a matter of life and death. Some strong language, descriptions of sex and violence. Sequel to "Bitten".

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(17 hrs., 11 min.)

The Alaskan wilderness is a harsh landscape in the best of conditions, but with a pack of rogue werewolves on the loose, it's downright deadly. When Elena Michaels, the Pack's chief enforcer, hears of a series of gruesome maulings and murders outside Anchorage, she and her husband Clay go to hunt down the dangerous werewolves. Trapped in this savage, untamed winter realm, they learn more about their own werewolf heritage than they bargained for. Descriptions of sex and violence, strong language.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(11 hrs., 44 min.)

Elena Michaels is on edge - she's a rare female werewolf, and she's pregnant. She's asked to recover a letter written by Jack the Ripper, but inadvertently triggers a portal to Victorian London's underworld, unleashing a vicious killer and a pair of zombie thugs. Now Elena must find a way to seal the portal before they get what they're looking for - which, for some unknown reason, is her.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
(12 hrs., 31 min.)

Tout allait bien avant... Avant que le shérif n'emmène son père en prison. Maintenant, il part à sa recherche et tente de soigner son chien grièvement blessé.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
1 CD (2 h 48 min)
Auteur : 

A "Deuxième-Chance", Balthazar est bien malheureux. Et puis, il rencontre Romain, Charlotte et Timothée. Ils deviennent vite inséparables et devront relever un defi : sauver leur maitresse de la sorcière épouvantable qui la remplace quinze jours par mois.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
1 CD (2 h 56 min)
Auteur : 

En 2050, Tony, ancien directeur d'un parc d'attractions à succès, a été accusé à tort de terrorisme et, comme les autres condamnés à mort, est parachuté en Afrique. Sur le continent, contaminé par les déchets industriels occidentaux, ne survivent plus que des mutants évoluant sous la surveillance de drones. De son côté, sa fille tente de l'innocenter en identifiant les auteurs du complot.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
06 h 59 mn
Auteur : 

Alexandre est recruté comme agent secret par un vieux millionnaire pour aller dans les salles de classe du monde entier afin de défendre les faibles contre les tortionnaires qui les harcèlent. Sa tâche se complique quand Rector Jones, le frère jumeau de son patron, envoie à ses trousses des Régulateurs. Il peut heureusement compter sur l'aide de son binôme, Julie.

Support : 
Daisy audio
Durée : 
03 h 39 mn


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